i didn't read any book or course material...just launched straight into it.
Why should I study for an English exam?
All my life i have been studying English
in school,colleges,wasn't that enough to prepare me for this exam...
that's what i wanted to check..so i went without even lookin at past papers.
on 21 i had three exams,listening,reading writing.
Here's how they went:
we were given 40 minutes for listening,
i was done with it in 30.
the headphones were cool...infra-red ones.
First time i had seen them,
they told us to put them on 5 minutes before the exam
And i was surprised to hear a Ghazal by Jagjit singh..
i was like WTF?it's an English exam ..play me some english one
anyways when the tape was over ...
i transferred my answers on the provided answer sheet.
there were 40 questions i think i got 35 right.
then we had the reading test ...
i had to answer some questions based on passages.
1 hr was given..i finished in 20 minutes
again i got 35 right i think.
but time just won't pass...
we were not even allowed to go outside for a minute
so there i was lookin at others,who were busy reading passages.
i was feeling so sleepy.
anyways at last i was handed the written exam question paper
we were again given 60 minutes
there were 2 questions..
1. i had to write an application
2.i had to write an essay
i completed both in 40 mintes
i was literally asleep by the time exam got over.
anyways the last one was speaking module
it was held in a resort on 23rd
i was so confident that i would get 8 band in this.
i was led to room no.219 and there she was
my examiner..Deepa Dogra
as i sat down she turned on the recorder
and initial introductions were done
she asked about my background
my study..and why i was giving this exam.
then it was time for cue card.
the cue card topic was was above my level.
it was--History of britains museums and artifacts
i had to speak for 2-minutes continuously on it,
and had to cover 3 topics.
1.king Arthur
2.Queen Elizabeth iii
3.something famous from britain
i had seen a movie on king arthur some 2 years back
i spoke a bit i knew from that experience
for third question i spoke of east india company
and i stopped, a pause of 8-9 secs or more..i am not sure
the examiner couldn't say anything as the recorder
was on.she pointed her finger to the Queen elizabeth ..
i had to speak but i knew nothing about her
so i said,...
she was a beautiful woman.had three sisters..
was loved by church ..bla bla...
this is where i think i lost my bands...
the result would be out on 2nd september ..
hope i get something around 7.
I really need it.